Theano vs. Torch

May 28, 2021


Deep learning frameworks have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence by providing developers with powerful tools to build highly accurate models for a wide range of applications. Theano and Torch are two popular deep learning frameworks that have gained a lot of attention from the developer community. In this blog post, we will compare both frameworks and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.


Theano is a Python library that allows developers to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions that involve multi-dimensional arrays. It was developed by the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) at the University of Montreal and released in 2007. Theano has been used in a wide range of applications, including speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing.

Theano is known for its efficient computation of gradient-based optimization algorithms, which enables the framework to train deep neural networks faster than other frameworks. However, the downside of Theano is that it requires developers to have a strong background in mathematics and computer science to use it effectively.


Torch is a deep learning framework that was developed by Facebook's AI Research Lab (FAIR) and released in 2015. It is based on the Lua programming language and offers a simple and flexible API for building deep neural networks. Torch has been used by many organizations for research and production applications, including Google DeepMind and IBM.

Torch is known for its simplicity and ease of use, which has made it popular among researchers and developers. It offers a wide range of pre-built models and modules that can save developers a lot of time when building complex neural networks. However, the downside of Torch is that it can be slower than other frameworks when training large models.


Let's compare Theano and Torch in the following aspects:


When it comes to performance, Theano is known for its efficiency in training deep neural networks. It can run computations on GPUs and CPUs, which makes it suitable for large-scale production applications. Torch, on the other hand, can also utilize GPUs for faster computation but can be slower than Theano when training large models.

Ease of Use

Torch is a more user-friendly framework than Theano. The simplicity of Torch's API makes it ideal for researchers and developers who want to experiment with various deep learning architectures easily. Theano's steep learning curve can be a barrier for some developers who are not comfortable with mathematics and computer science.

Community Support

Both frameworks have active communities that provide support for developers. However, since Theano has been around for longer, it has a more extensive community and more resources available online, such as tutorials and code examples. Torch, on the other hand, has a large following in the research community, and many academic papers featuring Torch implementations have been published.


Both Theano and Torch are excellent deep learning frameworks that offer powerful tools for building accurate models. Theano is a more efficient framework that is suitable for large-scale production applications, while Torch is a more user-friendly framework that is ideal for researchers and developers who want to experiment with various deep learning architectures easily. When choosing between the two frameworks, developers should consider their skill level and the specific requirements of their application.


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